Day 6: Watch
Now there were in the same country shepherds living out in the fields, keeping watch over their flock by night.
Luke 2:8
It is only Luke who tells us of the shepherds on that blessed night. Those shepherds, from whom we’ve derived endless costumes and roles for the junior players in our nativity re-enactments. Those shepherds, who burst onto the nativity scene, perhaps unsettling Joseph and Mary, cornered in the livestock pen. Those shepherds, who bear witness to the baby stowed in the manger. Those shepherds, the sole witnesses to the choir of angels and their miraculous visual revelation. Those shepherds, it is their occupation which permeates the narrative of scripture from old covenant to new. From Abel, to Abraham, to Joseph, to Moses, to David, each in their way find favor with God. Each, in their own ways, likewise felt far from Him. Nevertheless, those shepherds were trained in a thing, to keep watch. Luke, while no shepherd, redeems the occupation across all earthly ages with his accounting of them at the nativity. For among all other virtues, the virtue of a shepherd, the virtue of being one who keeps watch, is the duty which most prepares them to meet the Christ at the moment of His arrival.
It is advent which reminds that He came, and that He is coming again. May we be counted among the humble shepherds. May we be a people who keep watch, a people who do their duty and are counted faithful in it. Whether we be among those blessed to see our Lord while yet alive at His second coming or not, may we instill in our generations the virtue of keeping watch. Even more so as we are assured the day is approaching.
Application Questions
-What virtues are inherent to your vocation which might tune your perspective to see Christ more clearly?
-How could the burden that you carry in your everyday vocation be used to glorify God?
-In an honest self-evaluation, which virtues have you most effectively passed to your children? Is there a certain one you could focus on more intentionally?