Winter Renewal
Winter induces contemplation by reduction. It is a time for minimizing and austerity.
Drifting Fortunes
What can we say about such macabre yet enduring Christmas traditions? Why would predictions of death and poverty accompany the celebrations of advent?
Picture Perfect
Our blessings ebb and flow with the realities of our broken and troublesome lives. There are however, two realities that we can grab a hold of.
Locked in the cold, dead season of winter, far removed from the long days and peaceful evenings of the Summer months, Christmas manages to embody the battle for the human soul.
Say You Love Me
Authentic relationships are an elusive thing in a broken world, as elusive as the perfection we hope to portray online.
Morsels of Truth
For as much as the sacred is corrupted to the secular, so too can such crooked paths be straightened again.
New Rituals of Invitation: Day 1
I cannot unsee what has clearly been before my eyes these last 20 months. I can’t ignore the glitch in my matrix.
What’s Your “More”?
I wonder if there isn’t something that needs to be pulled down off that shelf of yours? A dream, a long-neglected calling or prodding of the Spirit, a gifting rarely used…